6 Tips and basics for driving in Uganda

Be sober. An
alcohol free driver is a perfect driver. Driving with the normal senses
functioning limits one from being involved into accident related activities
like car collision, involving into extra expenses arising from being drunk. A
sober mind is more respected and givenhonor compared to the drunkard mind.
However much you are addicted to the drinking, try as much as possible to
reduce your addiction or move with some body skilled and experienced on the
Concentrate while on
the road. All minds should be focused on driving. Leave whatever you are
doing to make sure are on the lane to avoid collision with other road users
that may result into extra expenses above your budgeted trip.Yes, we all love
our phones and never allow leaving them due to the dot com error that invaded
our minds.
Move with a driving
permit. It’s said to be a legal
recognized document that allows drivers to use the roads
in Uganda The permit is classified into different classes that drives different cars the classes
include,A,B,CH, CM, DL, DM, and DH. Failure to move with a permit may lead you
to qualify to fines and penalties. However, foreigners are advised to travel
with their International Driving permits
Follow the rules on
the road. Self driving on the Ugandan roads, does not guarantee drivers to
overlook the traffic rules and ethics. They include; do not drink and drive, do
not over speed, do not over load and many others that guide you on the road.
The normal driving speed along the high
ways is 80km/hr while in the urban centers the speed is at 40km/hr.
Be helpful while
driving. Courtesy costs nothing. Remember you are not the only driver using
the road, giving way to over taking cars, helping the other drivers in case of
mechanical problem in case the car got stuck along the way. A helpful driver is
a trusted driver.
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