6 Ugandan foods & delicacies on safari.
Foods and delicacies on uganda safari.
Uganda cuisine or foods and delicacies date way back in ages. They are more of the traditional local foods than the processed dishes. Whether on self drive safari or as a guest, some you may never test them if you do not ask or talk about it. They are preserved more than anything we have.
The food is available and can be found everywhere you go cooked in many different ways though. There is that special way for each of these foods and delicacies. In terms on an international traveler to Uganda its very cheap in terms of dollars may be from 1-20 dollars per meal.
Traditional foods include ugali( solidified maize flour), matooke(plantain),cassava, Sweet potatoes and many more; all this served with beef stew, chicken, fish in all shapes(gold fish, Tilapia, Nile perch) beans, ground nuts, and mushrooms.

Ugandan special foods and delicacies
If you want to experience a true, classic, authentic meal on the planet and Uganda foods and delicacies dish, you should try the luwombo. The luwombo is a recipe that originated way back in the kabaka days as the best dish served to the kings.
Luwobo actually is started some few days back before the de day. Its starts with roasting some beef, banana leaves, ground nuts that will be pounded after .The next day when the beef is dry and ready we cut into small pieces mix with ground nuts, spices like tomatoes, onions and turmeric, these are tied in the smoked plantain leaves and steamed in banana leaves for about 3-4 hours to bring out the aroma and flavors slowly.
The same procedure will be applied to chicken, fish, mushrooms, beans
or any other stew a person desires. Luwombo is served with steamed
matooke( plantain),Sweet potatoes, cassava, pumpkin and all sorts of
foods and delicacies.
Ugandans like chapattis a lot; they see it as snacks as well as real meal to some people. Chapattis are made from a mixture of wheat flour, onions, salt, water or milk to make a doe. The doe is cut into small pieces, fried a little bit on both sides and boom its ready.
A mixture of chapatti (flat bread) and beans fresh and hot in a poltyhene bag is what we call kikomando. It is more of the sweet street food that you can eat while walking, kikomando is more popular and very cheap for everyone.
Grasshoppers (Nsenene)
These typically would be insects moving in a certain season going somewhere I don’t know. But when they pass Uganda we get them for a delicacy. We usually gate court cases for divorce in case a husband fails to buy nsenense or the lady ate all the nsenene herself.
They are picked plucked wings, washed and on the frying pan. No oil needed because they have a lot of oils. They add some spices but usually it’s just onions a pinch of salt to taste. They are pricy in case they are not so many in the season.
Rolex Rolex Rolex, this is a real deal for the street meal it takes no time to make and very cheap for as low as 1000 Uganda shillings you can get one. A Rolex in Uganda is not for wearing rather than eating.
Here again with our chapatti’s, omelet, tomatoes, (nyanya mbisi) and boom you roll it down to a Rolex.
Ugali (posho) and beans
Ugali is a daily meal for most households here in Uganda; everyone likes it and can easily be got in the shops around. This is some of the dried foods that can be kept in the house for porridge in the morning, lunch or dinner but in of those meals has to be matooke.
Ugali takes no time to make, bring water to boil and add white maize flour, mingle until you make a nice bread like doe that cannot stick to your mingling stick. This is served with beans fried and with some small amounts of water. This meal is commonly in homes, schools, hotels, prisons and where many people gather.
It is 90% carbohydrates and yes it makes you so full that you can go for some hours without eating anything at all.
We have got songs praising this drink. It goes e well with all the foods served above, if some tells you about Uganda without telling you about Uganda waraji then something is really missing about that Uganda.
This a s a banana drink fermented for some days and after boiled the best out of it, it if more of a gin not beer or juice.
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