6 Ugandan foods & delicacies on safari.

Foods and delicacies on uganda safari. Uganda cuisine or foods and delicacies date way back in ages. They are more of the traditional local foods than the processed dishes. Whether on self drive safari or as a guest, some you may never test them if you do not ask or talk about it. They are preserved more than anything we have. The food is available and can be found everywhere you go cooked in many different ways though. There is that special way for each of these foods and delicacies. In terms on an international traveler to Uganda its very cheap in terms of dollars may be from 1-20 dollars per meal. Traditional foods include ugali( solidified maize flour), matooke(plantain),cassava, Sweet potatoes and many more; all this served with beef stew, chicken, fish in all shapes(gold fish, Tilapia, Nile perch) beans, ground nuts, and mushrooms. Ugandan special foods and delicacies Luwombo If you want to experience a tr...