Car Rental Prices Are Up. Any Alternatives?



Travelers though of moving out in their houses now after the covid -19 relief. But did you know that car rental prices are very much going up instead. If you are booking travel, you might very much surprise if your travel plans involve renting a car.

Allot has happen during these last two years when travel business seemed to be on hold. Many car rental agencies have sold off their fleet and some even out of business completely? And another thing all these large car rental agencies we know for cheap car rentals in Uganda do not own the cars.

Outsourcing all these vehicles from their trusted pattern has been the deal for the day and the last few years. Now that may be the owners are now here to be seen and found there is scarcity of the budget car rental for travel in the wild.

Rental cars being generally unavailable when you need them in most African countries now has become worse.  Alternatively you can choose some of the ideas bellow to reduce on the very much hiked prices in the car rental field.

Ride sharing

Self drive in Uganda
car rental prices

Ride sharing services like Uber are probably the first thing that comes to mind when considering alternatives to rental cars. But did you know that that will not work at all her in Uganda or east African car rental safaris at all.

The only ride sharing you can have is getting through tour operators that do both car rental safaris and safaris? These may be having groups and other persons that are willing to join in the car and you reduce on the costs of car rentals.

Ride sharing services are generally available but be aware that ride sharing is subject to a lot of side effects. Making sure you have the same people doing what you are also doing is a key.

self drive uganda
car rental prices

Public Transport

Public transport can and is a surprisingly viable option for travelers outside the city if you plan on staying in ascertain destination for some day. This will help you plan on your next move and how you will reach their.

This put in mind public transport is Uganda and almost all the African countries will just halt without any prior notices and have no specific time of waiting for the bus or taxi. When people are heir to fill it will definitely move even if its 2 hours before the departure time.

Just to be on the safe side public transport does not go to any travel destinations commonly used by travelers here. You will find it putting you either before or after the place so that you can get another transport to a national park or any tourist attraction in that area.

Getting More Creative with Renting

Renting from a car rental platform may be quite cheap but expensive in the long run in case you get any problems. Renting car rental cars from directly in the car rental company may be very cheap and even give you alternative ways to bargain and reduce the price for you in case you are taking the long time car rental.

Also consider that you may qualify to use a long term discount and you try mentioning it as well. Sometimes we may tend to want too much for the car rental and end up with a very big bill, did you know that all 4×4 car rentals can move in Uganda national parks? So why rent a big customized safari jeep when you can use budget Rav4 and get the same service of moving.

Group Car Sharing

Car sharing is nothing new to backpackers. But renting a car from these companies is a more expensive than what you can imagine. If you can go on group safari sharing deals where you can share and reduce the car rental costs is better.

Companies like Gorilla walking safaris Uganda limited is known for group safaris and if you get in touch with them and they plan you may reduce a lot of costs.

But when renting a car in Africa you have very many things to consider and very cheap car rentals should never cross your mind at all, On the other hand, especially at the lower end of the market, the quality of the cars can vary widely.

At the end of the tour with your car rental price, you may have to jump through a few hoops. But either way car rental on a self-drive safari in Uganda is the best way to go.


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