Uganda we may say is among those countries that do not have one official national language apart from English that is used mostly in everything.
We are what you can call a polygamous language country. Each district or area almost has its own language. The western part has about 10 languages that are almost similar commonly known as the runyakitara, the central use the luganda, east commonly known are the aru and kumam family.
 Here is all you need to know about these languages;
Endeku(drinking cup or bottle) languages in uganda
  1. English: Uganda is a developing country as most people call it but, from those old ages we have been learning before the 1962 independence and the medium is English. English language is a foreign language that was adopted by the missionaries teaching us religion. By the time we got independence the English language had sunk deep in many institutions stopped changed.
  • Luganda: It is spoken by over 10 million people living in Uganda and it comes second to English. The people who speak Luganda are known as the Baganda who are a big number in Uganda as well. The king of Buganda sometime back embarked on teaching this language that most schools in the central and other parts adopted to this. This means the luganda language is the most spoken after English in Uganda.
  • Rukiga/Runyankole: Ankole is commonly used as the western part of Uganda, let say plus the southern part. This is the ankole region and they speak the runyankole. This language is almost the same as rukuga, rufimbira, rutooro, runyoro though different in pronunciation. With over 3 million people speaking this language. However the batooro, banyoro bakonjo and batuku speak thing sings almost similar.
If this is joined together it can make a very big part of uganda almost 30% of Uganda. This language is known as the runyakitara.
languages in uganda
  • Lusoga: Also known as soga, this language is spoken by the Basoga living in Southern Uganda. It has over 4 million speakers and this means it is among the top 5 languages used in Uganda. Next to the basoga are the Lugwere,It is spoken by the Gwere people living in Eastern Uganda. It is also closely related to Lusoga and Luganda. The Gwere belong to the Bantu group.
  • Luo: In the Northern Uganda. The Luo are part of the large Nilotic group which encompasses the Acholi ,Alur ,Ateso,lango, Alur: The ethnic group of Alur occupies areas of Northeastern Uganda. The language spoken by the Alur is also referred to as Alur and it is closely related to adhola and acholi. They live in grass thatched huts and mainly practice animal rearing and farming where they grow simsim, cassava, beans and potatoes. Acholi languages and all we call the luo people are actually different, though we categorise them inmost cases.
  • Karamojong: This is the most ethnic and still original tribe in Uganda. The people from karamoja are called the knjong in the northerner eastern Uganda region. They are believed to have migrated from Ethiopia during 1600 A.D in such of water and green pastures for their cows. The name Karamojong originated from “ekar ngimojong” which means “the elderly are tired of walking/migrating.” They were originally called the Jie
They rarely dress up and spend a lot of time in their cattle grazing them and making their manyantaas(houses)
  • Swahili: Just like English Swahili is a foreign language. Not originally used in Uganda though it was one of the foreign languages that was embraced more in business, and army or police. Yes Swahili is used a lot but not in Uganda and even in Uganda its army or police.


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